Join us! On Saturday, June 18th, 2022, the Debs Foundation and Museum will recognize the Debs Day and present Debs and Randolph in Our Voices. This live reading event will take place from 2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time.
Together, we will read passages from both Eugene V. Debs and A. Philip Randolph, reflecting on how their words still resonate today. In recognition of the 2022 Debs Award honoree, the A. Philip Randolph Institute, we invite you to contemplate the words and legacies of two leaders who connected the struggles for racial and economic justice.
This is our first hybrid event: join us in-person at the Terre Haute Labor Temple or virtually via Zoom.
About Zoom Attendance
Register here to participate via Zoom by June 17th. Registrants have the option of participating in the live reading, or watching the event without reading. Please indicate whether you would like to be a reader on your registration form.
About In-Person Attendance
Those wishing to participate as in-person readers should register at this link by Friday, June 17th. Please join us at the Labor Temple at 31 South 13th Street in Terre Haute, Indiana. Free parking is available on-site.
A program recording will be shared after the event. Please contact museum@debsfoundation.org with any questions.