
(2021) Academic Conference

Post-Event Update

Thank you to all scholars and volunteers who made this event a success. Recordings of several conference sessions will be available on our YouTube channel shortly.

“While There is a Soul in Prison, I Am Not Free”: The History of Solidarity in Social and Economic Justice

Special Conference Sponsored by The Eugene V. Debs Foundation, The Cunningham Memorial Library, Indiana State University Department of History, Terre Haute, Indiana

April 10, 2021

All times refer to Eastern Daylight Time.

9:30 AM: Log into digital space. Test technology.

9:50: Opening remarks and introduction by Micki Morahn, The Eugene V. Debs 

10:00-10:50: First Panel and Discussion
Revisiting the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA) The Relevance of Social Movement Unionism for the Twenty-First Century.
Panel Moderator: Nancy Gabin
Harry Targ, “Class and Race: The Model of the Packinghouse Workers for Other Progressive Social Movements.” 
Russell Hall and Eric Waltenburg, “Media Framing of Class Conflict in the Meat-Packing Industry: Bargaining, Negotiation, Strikes, and the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA-CIO).” 

11:00-11:50: Second Panel and Discussion
Mass Incarceration and Social Justice
Panel Moderator: Wesley Bishop
Cale Erwin, “Society’s Responsibility Ends There: Mass Incarceration, Background Checks, and Social Condemnation.” 
Shanleigh Corrallo, “BUILD and FIGHT: Black Power Organizations and the Attica Prison Rebellion of 1971.”
Joseph Hower, “Solidarity for Some, Solidarity for Later? Prison Guards, Police, and the (Labor) Politics of Mass Incarceration in the United States, 1960s-1990s.”

12:00-1:00: Keynote Address, Professor Peter Cole, Western Illinois University, 
“Prisoner No. 9653: Eugene Debs on Capitalism, Incarceration, and Solidarity.”

Break for Lunch: 1:00-2:00

2:00-2:50: Third Panel and Discussion
Art, Resistance, and Representation
Panel Moderator: Lisa Phillips
Ismail Frouinin, “Intersectionality in Afro-American and Moroccan ‘Resistance Literature.’”
Alessandra Rosa, “Protest(arte): reimagining and redefining Puerto Ricanness in the 21st Century.”

3:00-3:50: Fourth Panel and Discussion
Nature and Resistance in Social Justice Movements
Panel Moderator: Micki Morahn 
Kaitlin Rothberger, “The Earth and the Fullness Thereof: Walking the Landscape of Pedagogy.”
Eduardo Erazo Acosta, “Alli Kawsay (Buen Vivir) in the Indigenous Movements of Columbia-Ecuador, Political-Economic Practices as a Global Model: In Defense of the Rights of Mother Nature and the Global South.”
Griffin Mahon, “The Emergent Strategy of Eugene Debs.”

3:50-4:00: Closing Remarks by Wesley Bishop, The Eugene V. Debs Foundation.